Community Resources

Don’t dwell on the past. Plan for the future.

24-hour crisis lines

Distress Centre crisis line offers immediate counselling - anytime, anywhere.

Phone number: 780-482-3754

Alberta Health Services Addiction Helpline is a toll free confidential service that helps individuals struggling with alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or gambling.

Phone number: 1-866-332-2322

Chrysalis Human Trafficking Support Line offers toll free confidential counselling to individuals who have been trafficked for the purposes of forced commercial sex or labour.

Phone number: 1-866-528-7109

Family Violence Info Line is available 24-hours a day in more than 170 languages for advice, support, and information on family violence services and programs.

Phone number: 310-1818

Sexual Assault Centre of Edmonton (SACE) has a wide range of supports and services available, including a 24-hour sexual assault crisis line.

Phone number: 780-423-4121

Kid’s Kottage Crisis Nursery has a 24-hour crisis line that mothers can call to admit their children for emergency safe care, free of charge.

Phone number: 780-944-2888

Alberta Supports Centres provide information on all social-based supports offered by the government of Alberta. For more information call their toll-free line: 1-877-644-9992.

Emergency Income Support provides after-hours support and options for low-income individuals in a crisis.

Lurana Shelter Society accommodates women and children escaping any form of domestic violence. Emergency transportation may be available.

24-hour crisis line: 780-424-5875

Office number: 780-422-7263


Legal resources

Elizabeth Fry’s Record Suspension Program can help you seal your criminal record, increasing employment, school and volunteer opportunities.

Office of the Child and Youth Advocate Alberta provides advocacy for young people who are receiving or want to receive child intervention services, or who are involved with the youth justice system.

Elizabeth Fry’s Court Program assists those appearing in Provincial Criminal Docket Courts in Edmonton and surrounding areas. Staff and volunteers explain court procedures and terminology, provide legal referrals, provide Return to Court Date Cards, offer practical assistance and emotional support to those appearing in court, and help navigate the justice system.

Legal Aid Alberta offers legal services at a reduced cost for those who quality.


Safe places for you and your children

Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters (ACWS) has safe places for women and children all across the province.

WIN House has a 24-hour crisis line and offers safety planning, crisis intervention, emergency shelter, food and personal necessities, and support groups for women and children dealing with domestic abuse.

Wings of Providence offers support, safe shelter and affordable housing to women and children leaving abusive and violent situations.

A Safe Place has a 24-hour crisis line that will direct you and your child to a safe and confidential shelter.


Short-term housing

Inner City Youth Housing Project (ICYHP) offers homeless youth aged 14-17 a safe, supportive home environment that offers skill development to successfully live on your own.

Catholic Social Services Safe House is available to all male, female and transgendered youth aged 14-19 who need help leaving the streets.

Hope Mission Youth Shelter is open to male and female youth aged 16-24.

John Howard Society’s NOVA House is open to youth aged 16-24 for a safe place to stay and REST (a program that helps the individual have their basic needs met and re-connect to resources).

Youth Empowerment & Support Services (YESS) offers transitional housing for youth aged 15-24 who are actively working towards independence and stability, as well as longer-term residential programs for youth 16-24 who are working or attending school.


Long-term housing

Edmonton Affordable Housing has a list of subsidized housing, emergency accommodations, and counselling referrals to help with your housing situation.


Pregnancy and new baby care

Edmonton Pregnancy Crisis Center provides peer crisis counselling, referrals, ultrasounds and free baby care items like clothing, diapers, toys and blankets.

Pregnancy Care Centre helps young women cope with their unplanned pregnancy through support, guidance and resources.

Terra Centre is devoted to helping pregnant and parenting teens take care of themselves and their babies, and develop skills to be successful parents.

ABC Headstart offers early learning programs for children in low income families.


Food resources

WeCan Food Basket Society offers discount groceries through a monthly food basket of healthy fruits, vegetables and meats.

Edmonton’s Food Bank provides hamper orders, collective kitchens, community meals and discount groceries.

Alberta Health Services Collective Kitchens are community-based cooking programs where people can share resources, knowledge and food skills.



Braemar School is exclusively for pregnant and parenting teens aged 13-19. Daycare, financial assistance, and career counselling are available.

Elizabeth Fry’s Financial Literacy Program helps women gain independence through group and individual support with skills such as budgeting, debt reduction, goal setting, building assets, coping strategies, and stress management.



Elizabeth Fry’s Employment Services Program helps women who are at risk or in contact with the legal system break down employment barriers they face. Services include resume development, job readiness workshops, referrals to training programs, and developing an action plan.

Edmonton has multiple Alberta Works Centres in the city that offer job fairs, workshops and job information.


General help and resources

Elizabeth Fry Society can provide community referrals, daily services, free laundry, free clothing and mail services.

Bissell Centre offers assistance with everything from daily needs (like mail service, haircuts and health examinations) to housing, family and parenting resources, and employment services.